Trip to Ikea

Yesterday I went to Ikea with my friends. It was the second time that I went there since I moved to Philly. In my hometown there is an Ikea too, nor far from my home, so I used to visit it a lot, sometimes with my mom and sometimes with my friends. Ikea is such a cosy place that once I entered there I couldn’t get my eyes off the beautiful furnitures and home-decorating goods. Because they are so well designed that I can’t help praising the designers’ wonderful ideas.
It funny to discover that the word “Ikea” looks much like “Idea”, which is also the main point that Ikea represents. I know there are many other places such as Pottery Barn and Metro that also sell home supplies, but I am still fascinated by Ikea. I won’t tell you I am fond of the food there but it is a key point though. Anyway, to me the most fascinating part of Ikea is that I never get bored in it. Every time I walk between the shelves and inside the model houses, I am impressed by the different subtle details. Sometimes it’s just a small cute mirror or a well-designed cup, but I’m still enjoying finding the elements that is not discovered last time. Those products are amazing. You’ll never know them well in Ikea.
Boys seem not so interested in finding those perfect feelings as we girls do. So yesterday the boys just found what they need and checked out far beyond us. But they still had to wait for us to finish our lovely Ikea Trip, that’s the most interesting part of the journey I thought, lol. Maybe next time they could go to the Best Buy to shop electronic things, instead getting bored with the Ikea goods, which I guess will be more appealing to them. But I’ll still stay with Ikea, ’cause my favorite place will never change!

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